A collection of Python "must reads"
Table of Contents
- A Web Crawler With asyncio Coroutines by A. Jesse Jiryu Davis and Guido van Rossum
- FAT Python by Victor Stinner
- Unyielding - Problem: Threads Are Bad by Glyph twisted creator
- uvloop: Blazing fast Python networking by Yury Selivanov
- aiohttp http server tutorial by me
- Some thoughts on asynchronous API design in a post-async/await world by Nathaniel J. Smith
- Django channels by Andrew Godwin
- Asynchronous Python and Databases by Mike Bayer
- The Hitchhiker�s Guide to Python! by Kenneth Reitz author of Python HTTP Requests for Humans�
- Python Cookbook by David Beazley core CPython contributor
- Python 3 Patterns, Recipes and Idioms by Bruce Eckel author of Thinking in Java and Thinking in C++
- Test-Driven Development with Python by Harry Percival