Watch public talks
Table of Contents
Recently I’ve decided to watch tech talks mostly everyday, instead of some random videos. I don’t remember where, but I read about similar challenge from others.
Few years ago I had a bash script to fetch vidoes stattistics from youtube and sort it by number of likes and number of vies. And I decided to created small cli tool to do it again:
go install
ytstat -playListID PLHhKcdBlprMdIMzUZX6ho0OPTikTamLwa -apiKey <apiKey> | jq
"title": "Hands-On with an Envoy API Gateway, Now with GraphQL! - Jim Barton,",
"viewCount": 352
"title": "Container-native pipelines with Drone CI - Jim Sheldon, Harness",
"viewCount": 427
"title": "Hobbyfarm - an OpenSource Kubernetes Training Environment - Enrico Bartz, SVA",
"viewCount": 506
"title": "IPv6 / Dual-Stack in Kubernetes - Why, When, Where and How? - Rastislav Szabo, Kubermatic",
"viewCount": 697
"title": "ContainerDays 2022 Aftermovie",
"viewCount": 857
"title": "The future of CRDs in a post-cluster world - Sebastian Scheele & Stefan Schimanski",
"viewCount": 957
Favorite Talks
Watched Talks
Interesting idea how to connect CRD/operators and SaaS providers like MongoDB.