kubectl tip and tricks

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This page is dedicated to different kubectl tips I’m using on my daily job. So feel free to add contact me or suggest another one.

Current running pods per node.

Similar to k9s, if you type :nodes but in kubectl:

NAME↑                                       STATUS ROLE    TAINTS  VERSION                PODS  CPU   MEM  %CPU  %MEM  CPU/A  MEM/A AGE   
gke-andrii-test-default-pool-c1873b05-cxm7  Ready  <none>  0       v1.30.6-gke.1125000      12  133  1140     3     8   3920  13261 4h33m 
gke-andrii-test-default-pool-c1873b05-e5lt  Ready  <none>  0       v1.30.6-gke.1125000      12  124  1157     3     8   3920  13261 5h42m
gke-andrii-test-default-pool-c1873b05-onva  Ready  <none>  0       v1.30.6-gke.1125000       9  115  1166     2     8   3920  13261 5h37m 
kubectl get pods \
  -A \
  -o jsonpath='{range .items[?(@.spec.nodeName)]}{.spec.nodeName}{"\n"}{end}' \
  | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn
  16 gke-andrii-test-default-pool-c1873b05-gx4q
  14 gke-andrii-test-default-pool-c1873b05-mdfz
  14 gke-andrii-test-default-pool-c1873b05-1pie

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