cli tools
Table of Contents
This is collection of my favorite cli tools with examples:
Simplistic interactive filtering tool
brew install peco
ps aux | peco
QUERY> podman IgnoreCase [6 (1/1)]
andrii.soldatenko 24073 6.6 11.0 426452256 7408464 s002 S Tue10AM 65:10.24 /opt/homebrew/bin/qemu-system-aarch64 -m 15735 -smp 4 -fw_cfg
andrii.soldatenko 1891 0.7 0.3 1588596992 219008 ?? S 10Jan24 104:40.87 /Applications/Podman Desktop
andrii.soldatenko 24066 0.0 0.1 409920528 49888 s002 S Tue10AM 0:46.81 /opt/homebrew/Cellar/podman/4.8.3/libexec/podman/gvproxy -mtu 1
andrii.soldatenko 1987 0.0 0.3 1596580736 176496 ?? S 10Jan24 8:30.44 /Applications/Podman De
andrii.soldatenko 1984 0.0 0.1 409391136 36000 ?? S 10Jan24 0:04.50 /Applications/Podman Des
andrii.soldatenko 1983 0.0 0.1 410238016 82336 ?? S 10Jan24 0:06.02 /Applications/Podman Des
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